Digital Storytelling & Branding Course Reflections

During my time in the Full Sail University course, Digital Story Telling and Branding, I felt empowered, inspired, and challenged. Having a graphic design bachelor’s degree, I thought I had a full comprehension of branding and man did Professor Diane Diaz not only challenged the understanding I thought I had, but she pushed me to question further. Several times I had to reach out and have a professional discussion to make sure I was on the right track because her follow up questions or advice just took what I thought I understood about branding a little bit further each week.  

What I took from the course was:

·      How to convey a brand

·      Let the brand speak, but aid the brands voice

·      Design an emotional connection to the audience

During week one, the class taught us to brand ourselves. Having been the marketing manager with start-up companies, having started my own company, when I took a step back to reflect how do I brand myself? That was the hardest assignment for me. This caused me to deeply reflect how do I relay, professionally, to the world – outside of my own company who I am? This helped me solidify where I wanted to take myself, have a hard look at my character (personally and professionally) as well as a hard look at my resume.


During week two and three, the class covered brand voice and storytelling. These assignments were fun because I love creating from the ground up. Personally loving motorsports, the business chosen for my master’s degree case study is the company Circuit of Americas. “Man, how can I recreate that? I get to make it all up, research it, and possibly push what they are already doing? How fun” I thought to myself. We learned how to create a Pecha Kucha, make a voice over, and video content for both these assignments.

For the video, I wanted to really relay an emotional nostalgic message to the audience, really reach into the heart of those who had dreams of driving fast. Really speak to those who love cars and make a statement to those who don’t to want to look into the company and have maybe even a discussion.


Creating each part of these assignments really helped me feel more confident entering the industry after completing my masters. This class has given me the tools, ideas, and lessons to not just ponder on, but expand on.


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